Statement before
the Glenn A. Walsh
of P.O.
Box 1041
The City
of Pittsburgh PA 15230-1041 U.S.A.
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Carnegie Library 2016 July 20
Good morning, I am Glenn
A. Walsh, 633 Royce Avenue, Mt. Lebanon. Today I am speaking as
a private citizen representing no organization.
I support reuse of the
historic Hazelwood Library building, including the large auditorium. However, I
oppose Bill 614 which would allow the City of Pittsburgh to sell-off the historic
Bill 614 specifically
states: “…conveying AS IS all of the City's right, title and interest, if any,
in designated City-owned properties to the Urban Redevelopment Authority of
Pittsburgh ("URA") for consideration of $1.00 each…” Once this
conveyance occurs, the City of Pittsburgh, and the people’s duly-elected
representatives in this Council, no longer have any control over what happens
to the building.
If the building is sold
to a third party, there is no guarantee that the structure will be reused for
the benefit of city residents. This third party may make all types of promises,
but after obtaining the building and learning how much it will really cost to
rehab the structure, they may give-up and the building will sit empty for many
more years.
The City should seek reuse
of the Hazelwood Library building the same way it sought reuse of the historic
Buhl Planetarium building in 2002---by long-term lease. This way, the City
retains control of the historic structure for the benefit of city residents.
In a recent Post-Gazette
article, Councilman O’Connor expressed an interest in starting a “community
conversation” about the future of the Hazelwood Library building. Let the
petitioned public hearing be a beginning of this community conversation. Mr.
President, I respectfully ask that you schedule this public hearing in the
Hazelwood neighborhood.
Thank you.