Attempt to Amend the By-Laws of the
Andrew Carnegie Free Library
Monday, December 13, 1948
The following amendment, to the By-Laws of the Andrew Carnegie
Free Library, was attempted by the
Library Board of
Trustees, at the Regular, Monthly Meeting of Monday Evening,
December 13, 1948 at 8:00 p.m., held
at the Andrew Carnegie Free Library.
According to the Minutes Book, fourteen Board members were present for
this meeting[The Library By-Laws require that twelve affirmative
majority of
17-member Board of Trustees) must be cast for an amendment to the
By-Laws to be approved]. Also, according to the Minutes of this meeting,
the motion to adopt this amendment to the By-Laws "Carried." Hence, it
appears that, at this time, the Library Board of Trustees acted as if
this amendment to the By-Laws had passed and this amendment was,
hence forth, valid and binding upon the Library Board.
However, this motion was approved at a Regularly-scheduled, Monthly
of the Board of Trustees.
Section 22 of
Library By-Laws clearly states that amendments to the By-Laws can only be
ratified "at the Annual meeting or at any special meeting called for that
purpose". Hence, this amendment to the Library By-Laws really never took
The first time an amendment to the By-Laws of the Andrew Carnegie
Free Library was properly ratified, and hence, the By-Laws were
officially amended, was on July 5,
From Page 46 of the Minutes Book, which gives the first page of Minutes
for the Regularly Meeting of the Board of Trustees held Monday Evening,
December 13, 1948 at 8:00 p.m. -
"December 13-1948
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this day at office
of the Trustees at 8 P.M.
Members present = N.L. Glasser, Dr. W W. Booth, Harvey F. Batsford, James
F. Carr, C.C. Fulton, J. Wray Greer, H.G. Henney, Burgess J. Edward
Manion, Daniel McGarry, H.L. Nixon, Andrus D. Pascoe, Ebenezer Peters,
Frank Rome and L.B. Daley.
Moved by Mr. Rome, duly seconded by Booth(?) that the following resolution
be adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED that the By Laws be amended by the addition of the
following section, which shall be designated as Section 11a:
That the elective officers of the association, (the Vice President acting
only in the absence of the President), or any two of them, acting
together, may be authorized and empowered by the Board to transfer,
endorse, sell, assign, set over and deliver any and all shares of stocks,
bonds, debentures, notes, evidence of in-
debtedness or other securities now or hereafter standing in the name of,
or moved by this association, and to satisfy all mortgages, judgments, and
other recorded encumbrances in favor of the said association and to make,
execute and deliver any and all written instruments necessary, or proper
to effectuate the authority hereby conferred.
[The written Minutes, then, continue describing the remainder of the
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees on Monday Evening, December 13,
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