Web pages are displayed and viewed on computer screens through software
Web browsers. There are several types of Web browser software but most of
perform similar functions. The most popular types of browsers are
Explorer, Mosiac, and Netscape. Most of the computers connected to the
EIN use
Netscape. The instructions below assume that you are using Netscape.
the functionality described below will work using Mosiac and Explorer.
If you are using a dial-in connection you are using Lynx, the text based
browser. Information about using Lynx will be available in the near
To Begin:
Slide the mouse gently around the pad to move the arrow
around the screen.
(This arrow is also called the cursor.)
When the arrow changes to a pointing finger
, it is pointing at a "link" to an
information source.
To return or go back to a previous screen:
Click on the browser's button near the
left-hand corner of the screen.
To span multiple screens:
Place the arrow pointer on the vertical bar at the right side of the
Next, hold down the left mouse button. While holding it down, "drag" the
vertical bar
toward the top of the screen. You will see the page move up. Release the
where you want to stop the page.
To move up or down one line at a time, click once on the up or down
above or below the vertical bar. Or use the up or down arrow keys on
To get back to the home page or screen:
Click once on the browser's button near
upper left-hand corner of the screen.
Navigating This Page |
Some of the pages in Caroline have a button called "Navigating
Page." When activated this link provides detailed descriptions of how each
button or link on that page works. For more detailed information on how to
search the catalog, you should
use the "St. Bernard Help" button that will link you back here to the main
And of course, you should ask a librarian if you need more help. They are
to help you.
Searching Caroline, |
1. Click on the Caroline icon or button to link to the catalog.
2. Click on the Author, Title, or Subject icon on the resulting search page
3. Click inside the dialog box to activate the cursor and type in the search terms.
4. If desired, limit by Type of Materials or by Language by clicking on the down-arrow in the boxes under the search.
5. Click on the Search Button.
Click on a highlighted title in the Primary Hit List.
The Full Record
Click on the Brief Record, (all of which is highlighted and makes up a single hypertext link to the Full Record.)
Keyword Searching |
Searching Rules:
The boolean operators AND, OR, NOT can be used to combine two or more search terms or phrases. AND searches for both terms in a record; OR searches for both or either term in a record; NOT excludes a certain term or phrase from the search.
If a search term is also a boolean operator, surround the term with double-quote marks (" "). For example, if you want to retrieve the title War and Peace but not all records containing the word war and the word peace, enter War "and" Peace as the search.
Parentheses can be used to nest terms. For example, entering
(united states and politics)not government |
will retrieve all records containing the term united
and the term politics
but will exclude all records which contain the term
The question mark symbol " ? " and the
pound sign symbol " # " are the only
truncation symbols used in Caroline.
The " # " sign can stand for any ONE
and it can be used more than once within the search term.
For example, entering
"wom#n" would find both woman
women . Or, entering
theat### would retrieve
theatre, theater, theater, but not
The question mark " ? " can be used to stand
for any
number of characters, including zero.
For example, entering
"psycholog?" would find
psychology, psychologist, psychological etc., and
entering "colo?r" would find
color and colour .
Searching with Keywords:
1 . Click on the Search the Catalog link.
2 . Click on the "Search By Word" link on the resulting page.
3 . Click on the dialog box and type in the keyword search. Qualifiers and Boolean operators may be used.
(au twain) and (ti finn) not furth?r |
This search would retrieve M. Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn but not The Further Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
4 . If desired, choose to display the search results as Citation, Summary, or Full and number of records to display at once by clicking on the down-arrow in the box under the search.
5 . Click on the Begin Search button.
The rest of the search works the same way as an author, title or subject search.
1 . Click on the Search the Catalog link.
2 . Click on the Search by Other Number link on the resulting
3 . Click on the dialog box to activate the cursor and type
in the
number in the format recommended on the screen.
4 . Indicate what type of number it is by clicking the
white circle.
Numeric Searching
Searching for Large Print Books
su large and su type and au christie
retrieves 125 records for
large print books by Agatha Christie. Or, you could do a
Word Search using
title (ti) as the third element to find a
specific title in large print.
* The term Boolean refers to the various algebraic gates or
connectors such as AND, OR, and NOT, which are used to distinguish between
searching operations and solutions.
The term Boolean is named for George Boole, a British mathematician and
logistician who developed ways of expressing logical processes using
symbols, which led to the creation of a branch of mathematics known as
(Return to Keyword Searching help.)
If you have any comments, suggestions or bug reports, please contact
an Andrew Carnegie Free Library staff member.
Andrew Carnegie Free Library and Music Hall
300 Beechwood Avenue
Carnegie, Pennsylvania 15106-2699
Telephone: (412) 276-3456
Telefacsimile: (412) 276-9472
Internet -
Electronic Mail: andrcarn@alphaclp.clpgh.org
Internet, World Wide Web Site: http://www.clpgh.org/ein/andrcarn