Sec. 610, Citizen Advisory Panel - Pittsburgh Open Government Amendment

Open government = better government!

Sec. 610

610.   Citizen Advisory Panel


The Citizen Advisory Panel is intended to both advise the government and advise the general citizenry about the government.  It is not only intended to improve accountability, but also to enable two way communications so that government can effectively work with and for all people and not just an elite few.  Virtually anybody without a conflict of interest can participate whenever they want � no election and no appointment necessary.

The Citizen Advisory Panel (CAP) of the City of Pittsburgh shall be established as the City's official public participation body, the purpose of which shall be to enhance public involvement with public matters, to provide members of the general public with an opportunity to organize themselves to better monitor government activities, to investigate and make recommendations on the needs of the people and other public matters, and to otherwise serve as a conduit enhancing communication between the people and their government and vice versa.