Statement before the        Glenn A. Walsh

  Council of the                 P.O. Box 1041

City of                       Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230-1041 U.S.A.

     Pittsburgh:                   Telephone: 412-561-7876

 Carnegie Library’s           Electronic Mail: < >

    Plan to Close                Internet Site: <  >

  Branch Libraries               2009 October 14


Good morning, I am Glenn A. Walsh of 633 Royce Avenue, Mt. Lebanon. Today I am speaking as a private citizen representing no organization.


For several years, I have come to this podium to complain about Carnegie Library. After yesterday’s comments by Mr. Peduto, I find I must defend Carnegie Library.


Mr. Peduto, for the last decade Carnegie Library has done exactly what you wanted them to do—despite my opposition! They have had two library directors who are business managers not librarians. And, this is despite the fact that Title 22 Section 141.21 of the Pennsylvania Code requires large city library directors to have a Master’s Degree in Library Science!


Carnegie Library has attempted, with limited success, to raise private and foundation funds to run the library system. Well, the results of this 10-year experiment are in, and they were predictable.


Foundations are happy to provide capital funds, which help an institution attract more visitors. In the cases of the Zoo, National Aviary, and Phipps Conservatory the increase in attendance results in much greater earned income. This cannot happen with public libraries.


And, foundations are very resistant to provide any institution with direct operating subsidies. The funding model of the Zoo, National Aviary, and Phipps Conservatory does not work and cannot work for public libraries!


As Andrew Carnegie realized more than a century ago, to be successful, public libraries must be funded by the public.


Thank you.

