Statement before the Glenn A. Walsh
Regional Asset District
Board of Directors:
“Rightsizing” Plan Telephone: 412-561-7876
Could Close Electronic Mail: < >
Carnegie Libraries Internet
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2007 October 1
Good afternoon. I am Glenn A.
Walsh of
Within their Fiscal Year 2008
annual funding request to the Allegheny Regional Asset District (RAD), The
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh informed RAD that next year they will form a “Commission on Libraries” to consider a
system-wide “rightsizing” plan, which
could include closing neighborhood library branches.
The grant application
actually says, and I quote: “Initiative 2.1 - Conduct rightsizing plan to evaluate number
and location of library, administrative, shipping and storage facilities”
It further says, and I quote:
“Initiative 2.2 – Complete neighborhood revitalization program to
renovate/relocate all eligible Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh facilities, based on rightsizing plan” end-quote. Attached
to this statement, on the reverse side, is an excerpt from Carnegie
Library’s grant application to RAD, regarding this rightsizing plan.
There you have it. Next year,
Carnegie Library’s “Commission on Libraries” will decide which neighborhood
branch libraries to close. And, of course, unless there is a library
renovation, there was no mention in the grant application of any public input
into this “Commission on Libraries” process!
When Herb Elish was Library
Director, he promised that every neighborhood with a branch library would
continue to have a branch library. Now, the new Library Director is reneging on this promise.
Carnegie Library reduces service by closing library branches, why should
ask that you make it quite clear to the Board of Trustees and the management of
The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh that closure of any neighborhood library branch would be a specific reduction in
library service to the people, and would result in a proportional reduction in RAD funding to the Carnegie Library system.
Thank you.