Updates to New England Carnegies

Friday, April 10, 2009 6:32 AM


From: "Corinne H. Smith" < chsmith@berkshire.net >


To: gawalsh@andrewcarnegie.cc


Hello from Central Massachusetts --

I'm pleased to announce that updates and additions have been
made to the "New England Carnegies" web site at

The site was launched in 2006 in order to honor the 85
library buildings that Andrew Carnegie funded in New England.
A page for each library contains a brief history, an historic
postcard image, and contemporary photos.  Visitors can take
a virtual tour that leads them across the six states.

Now the 10 academic
Carnegie libraries of the region have been
added as well.

Also added are the texts of historic newspaper accounts
of Andrew and Louise Carnegie's visit to Worcester, Mass., in 1913.
Andrew participated in laying the cornerstones for the three branch
libraries that day.

The web site is maintained by Corinne H. Smith, cataloging and reference
librarian at
Anna Maria College, Paxton, Mass.; csmith@annamaria.edu.



Corinne H. Smith
Athol, Mass.