Photograph Album of
Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919)
The following are photographs related to the life of Andrew
Carnegie, which do not specifically deal with Carnegie Libraries.
Note: This project, to display photographs related to the life of
Andrew Carnegie, has just begun. More photographs will be added to
this page, when they are ready.
This is the former home of Colonel James
Anderson, which is now a
personal care home for senior citizens known as "Anderson Manor." Colonel
Anderson's private library was opened to the public each Saturday
afternoon, 1850-1853; Colonel Anderson served as the librarian. Andrew
Carnegie was
one of the working boys of Allegheny City, who regularly visited this
These are some of the original books from the personal library of
Colonel James
Anderson. Andrew Carnegie, as a young man, read most of
these books. Photograph 5 shows the nameplate of the Anderson Library
Institute, the name of Anderson's private library in 1850, prior to his
donation of money for the
opening of the Mechanics' and Apprentices' Library of Allegheny City in
On the Monongahela River in Braddock, Pa., Andrew Carnegie's first
major steel mill opened on
August 22, 1875. Named after the President of the Pennsylvania
Railroad(to ensure that Carnegie received the railroad's steel rail
business), the Edgar Thomson Works continues to produce steel for the U.S.
Steel Group, a unit of the USX Corporation. In this photograph, the Edgar
Thomson Works is directly behind Lock and Dam Number 2, on the Monongahela
An original Bessemer Converter, now on display at Station Square in
[Note: This particular Bessemer Converter did not come from a
Steel or a U.S. Steel plant. However, it does show what a Bessemer
Converter looks like.]
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission historical marker is near the site, on the Monongahela River,
where Pinkerton agents landed during the
Homestead Steel Works Strike of 1892. The building
directly behind this historical marker[and only partly shown in this photograph] is the
original Pump House of the Homestead Steel Works of the Carnegie Steel Company, Limited. The portion
of the Pump House shown in this photograph was constructed in April of 1892; this photograph
does not show the 1897 addition. Under the contractural arrangement of Carnegie Steel
Company Chairman Henry Clay Frick,
300 Pinkerton guards transported via a barge, on the
Ohio and Monongahela Rivers, from a location just west of Pittsburgh to a river location
at the Homestead Steel Works landing, just behind the Pump House, in the
early morning hours of July 6, 1892; this landing occurred under a nearly full Moon[waxing
gibbous phase of the Moon]. A look-out, for the strikers, spotted the barge and
warned the other strikers and residents of Homestead, Pennsylvania. The armed strikers
took positions on the hill, overlooking the Monongahela River, as the Pinkertons landed on
the shore. Some strikers took position inside the Pump House. One of the first strikers to
be killed, by the Pinkertons,
was an armed striker looking out of one of the windows of the Pump House, shortly afer
The following is the text of this historical marker:
On the morning of July
6, 1892, on orders of
the Carnegie Steel Co.
300 Pinkerton agents
attempted to land near
here; strikers, citizens
repulsed them. Seven
workers, three Pinker-
tons were killed. 8000
state militia arrived
July 12; by November
the strike was broken.
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission 1992
Carnegie Steel Beams
Donated for New(1906) Allegheny Observatory
These steel beams, embossed with the name "Carnegie," are two of
donated(as a result of the efforts of well-known Astronomer and Optician,
John A. Brashear) by the Carnegie Steel
Company to the University of Pittsburgh, in
1905, for the construction of the new Allegheny Observatory in Allegheny
City, Pa.(now part of Pittsburgh). The Allegheny
in Pittsburgh, houses three telescopes, including the fifth largest
refractor telescope in the world.
Carnegie Steel Company steel beam: Photo
1 (3)***Photo
2 (1)
Allegheny Observatory(1906 building): Photo
1 (1)***Photo
The Pullman Palace Car Company was one of Andrew Carnegie's many
businesses. This is the original model used to obtain a patent for the
Pullman Parlor Car, in 1878. This model is on display at the popular
Railroad and Village exhibit, in Pittsburgh's Carnegie Science
Dominating the skyline of "Carnegie Tech," Hamerschlag Hall was one
of the original buildings of the Carnegie Technical Schools in Pittsburgh.
Opened in 1900, Carnegie Mellon University is now a national leader, in
education, in the fields of computer science, robotics, engineering,
public and private management, and drama.
11-inch Brashear Refractor Telescope
(originally donated to the
Carnegie Technical Schools by Andrew Carnegie)
In 1908, Andrew Carnegie commissioned well-known Astronomer and
Optician, John A. Brashear, to build a
that Carnegie Tech students
could see Halley's Comet in 1910. A year or two after the comet passed
the telescope's observatory was razed to make-way for construction of the
Fine Arts
Building for the Carnegie Technical Schools, now Carnegie-Mellon
University. After decades of remaining in storage, the Amateur Astronomers' Association of
Pittsburgh restored the telescope for use in the Nicholas E. Wagman
Observatory in Deer Lakes Park, one of Allegheny County's regional
northeast of Pittsburgh. This historic telescope is now available for
free public viewing of celestial objects, several times a year
during the Wagman Observatory's public star parties.
Photograph one shows the 11-inch Brashear Refractor Telescope in its
original observatory, on the campus of the Carnegie Technical Schools,
circa 1910. Photographs two and three show this telescope, today, in the
Nicholas E. Wagman Observatory.
1 *** Photo
2 *** Photo
Album of Astronomer and Optician John A. Brashear
(friend of Andrew Carnegie)
Photographs with Number (1): © Copyright 1999
Lynne S. Comunale, All Rights Reserved.
History of the Andrew Carnegie
Free Library.
Information about the Andrew
Free Library.
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Library Legally Established 100 Years Ago by Andrew Carnegie.
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